Youth Care

Youth typically come to treatment when an adult in their life notices something concerning or problematic. Identifying target behaviors and the factors contributing to a patterned response is an essential part to creating a successful therapeutic treatment plan. Behavioral modification strategies at home and school, consultation with teachers, and working closely with caregivers are integral components. I hope to empower the youth's caregivers so that they can effectively help and support their children as they meet treatment goals. Sessions are typically spent between the caregiver and child both together and individually.
A well-matched working relationship is important to successful therapy. If you think we may be a good fit to work with one another, feel free to call me at 773.245.6358 or email me at [email protected] to set up a time to talk. I offer a 15 minute complimentary phone consultation. This phone call is used to assess the goodness of fit of a therapeutic match, not for treatment or diagnosis. If we find that we are not a good fit at the end of this phone call, I will give you referrals of therapists that might be a better match for you.